Sunday, March 20, 2011

Post #11: Starting Up Again

Well, we're back from Spring Break and there's lots to do. It's true that we're a little bit behind schedule (about 1 week behind to be exact), but rehearsals should be starting next week, and filming can begin right after that. For now, we've cast four of five main roles, and should be wrapping up the fifth tomorrow afternoon. Here's the partial cast list we have so far:

Mike: Mike Westrich
Jessie: Kayla Golladay
Rob: Talieson Powell
Eva: Gina Coviello

Tomorrow we will make a final decision as to who's playing Late-night Larry, and then we'll start fishing around for the various extras and small roles that are left, as well as securing the remaining locations. Following that we have rehearsals with the cast members who are already cast (hopefully on location) so we can rehearse them. Once the actors are done, Adam, Grant and I will stay behind and practice lighting set-ups, etc. so that actual filming days will run smoother and require less time for set-up. We're still estimating about two shoots per character, with perhaps a third for a certain scene between Rob and Mike. That brings us to a total of 11 filming days that need to occur before mid-April. Yeah, it's a lot of work, but hopefully it will be worth it.


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